Hudson Yards is the largest private real estate development in the history of the United States. Phase 2, The Western Yard, will include 6.2 million square feet of building space, spanning several residential towers, an office complex, and a school. The problem? It’s being constructed over-top 30 active train tracks, 3 rail tunnels, and major utilities, and alongside viaducts, busy roadways, and one of New York City’s most popular tourist attractions: The Highline. How does a complex network of architecture, engineering, and construction stakeholders ensure that existing conditions are being properly accounted for during design? The solution? Mix 2 tablespoons of laser scans with acres of topographic surveys, old utility maps, and as-builts to create a large-scale, precise, 3D Revit model of the entire site. During this presentation, Timothy O’Connor from Langan will join Kyle Hudson from VIATechnik to discuss the workflows, challenges, and benefits associated with collecting and digitizing this massive amount of infrastructure data.