119 Results for "Modular Construction"
Industry Talk / London 2018
Royal BAM Group Adopts Forge-Based Cloud Solution Platform to Support Modular Construction Strategy
Every building is unique. Each one has its own individual shape, appearance, and materials. Despite common and repetitive features such as windows and doors, designing a building remains a 'one-of-a-kind' process. Furthermore, clients are demanding better, more sustainable and more flexible buildings, build in less time, for less money, with a minimum total cost of ownership. Taking all these requirements and challenges into account, designers and engineers have to look at how all the different components fit and function together. This means they would need to have extensive knowledge of all the buildings components and systems and it requires a lot of engineering time. With the lack of lack of a standardised process, this makes it difficult to coordinate and manage, and to learn and improve across projects. Consequently, the design and engineering process is time, resource and risk sensitive and prone to errors. To structurise the design and engineering process, capture product and system intelligence in a digital environment, and optimise engineering time, BAM adopted a modular construction strategy. The first step towards a modular construction strategy and a structurised process is making use of modular products, or elements. These interchangeable building blocks can be combined in various ways while maintaining overall form, fit and function. In cars, for example, you can replace one type of engine with another, while the car still looks and functions the same. The advantage of modular elements is that you can create countless variations to fit specific needs, whilst cutting down on engineering time (up to 75%) and providing verification that the element can indeed be manufactured. During this session, Jaco Prins (Royal BAM Group) and Desmond Laeyendecker (Cadac Group) will discuss the challenges that were encountered and processes that were defined and analysed, present the software solution based on real-life BAM projects, and provide the improvement metrics and KPIs.
Roundtable / Las Vegas 2018
Redshift Live: Is Prefabricated Construction the Answer to Increasing Building Demands?
According to research firm Statista, as the global population grows and urbanizes, the construction industry will need to build an average of 13,000 buildings in major cities every day through the year 2050. Yet the industry is contending with skilled-labor shortages and lagging productivity; 98 percent of megaprojects face cost overruns or delays. The building industry isn’t big enough to supply the demand. Prefab and modular construction show promise of a resolution, as well as significant savings in time and money compared to traditional building methods. Moving on-site construction to off-site facilities can enhance quality and efficiency to help the industry build more with less. Yet prefab and modular processes are still slow to catch on at scale. Join Autodesk's Redshift Editor in Chief and experts from GE Johnson Construction Company, HOK, Merge Architects, and Factory_OS in a panel debate about the opportunities and challenges of bringing prefabrication to scale when it’s needed most. Could prefab be the antidote to increasing housing demands, skilled-labor shortages, and a high-risk/low-margin industry? The end goal of the panel will be to understand why off-site construction can have a significant impact on urbanization, what the barriers are to rapid market adoption; and what the next steps should be to bring prefab and modular construction to the masses. https://www.autodesk.com/redshift Naomi Porat; Principal, Alpha and Board Member, Factory_OS Rotimi Seriki, Design/Visualization Specialist, HOK John Schwarz, Integrated Services Manager, GE Johnson Kyle Barker, Associate, Merge Architects Kylee Swenson, Editor in Chief, Redshift
1 - 20 of 119 results