Theater Talk
Theater Talk
Theater Talk

Beyond Camera to Cloud

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Beyond Camera to Cloud

With new approaches, all phases of production can share the same media as soon as it’s captured



For decades, postproduction tasks like editing and visual effects only began when production was over—often weeks after shooting wrapped. Today, we can merge production and postproduction workflows from the moment the director calls “action.” Steve Marshall introduces Moxion and the new possibilities of camera-to-cloud production. With Moxion, footage captured on set is instantly uploaded to the cloud, so that the director, producers, editors, and VFX professionals can review dailies and provide feedback while there is still time to do another take. And Moxion puts security first, so that intellectual property stays safe in the cloud. Whether used for VFX-heavy content, run-and-gun reality shows, or productions with multiple remote units, Moxion gives all stakeholders the access they need to ensure the highest quality with the least amount of rework.

About the speaker

Steve Marshall is a sales executive at Autodesk focused on Moxion. Marshall previously served as the sales director of Moxion and has worked for more than 15 years in SaaS sales for leading California tech companies. His experience has made him an expert in the design and engineering of complex post-production systems and digital pipelines.

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