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Click My Ride: Customizing AutoCAD for How You Work

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    Everyone approaches AutoCAD software differently, so in this hands-on lab we cover several approaches to customizing and launching commands. After creating a workspace, we will create a custom panel on the ribbon to hold your favorite commands, and we'll also see how to add the same commands to the Quick Access toolbar. As some of you know, I'm a Tool Palette junkie, so we'll see how a button on the Tool Palette may result in a better approach. For the keyboarders, we'll create a 1-line lisp, and we'll edit the ACAD.PGP file for aliases. But what about those rollover tips and the content of Quick Properties? We'll also check those out. In addition to some quality time in the Customize User Interface, we will also present tips along the way, all of which I hope will result in a more efficient and productive daily AutoCAD experience.

    Key Learnings

    • Learn how to create a custom tab and panel on the ribbon
    • Learn how to modify the content of Quick Properties
    • Learn how to create a custom image for a custom button and add it to the Quick Access toolbar
    • Learn how to create a one-line Lisp and load it at AutoCAD software startup
