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A Deep Dive into Digital Twins for Architecture

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A Deep Dive into Digital Twins for Architecture

Gaming engines are helping to create digital twins for buildings and entire communities


Gaming engines were originally designed to build digital worlds that can be explored virtually, rendering graphics, sound, and physics in ways that mirror the real world. These engines are now finding roles in architecture, enabling designers to merge BIM data with scan and operational data from IoT sensors to create digital twins for buildings and entire communities. David Weir-McCall helps architecture and construction companies model, simulate, analyze, and optimize their designs using the Unreal Engine to close the gap between design intent and usage once the structure is built. This allows data from all sources to be placed in a meaningful context, so that we can design and manage buildings better.

About the speaker

With a background in architecture and technology, David Weir-McCall is currently a business development manager at Epic Games spearheading initiatives that integrate the Unreal Engine for partners in architecture, engineering, and construction. Throughout his career, his focus has been on the adoption of new design tools for architectural workflows.

Related learning

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