Bryden Wood is an industry leader in design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA), and the firm's creative tech team specializes in design automation. Bryden Wood partnered with National Highways (UK) to develop Rapid Engineering Model (REM), which automates highway designs in less than 24 hours! This revolutionary approach to road design created genuine sector-wide digital transformation. We combine analysis and risk profiling of site constraints with rules-based placement of infrastructure along the highways network, embedding rigorous design performance standards around road safety, while assessing constructability to minimize operational disruption. REM generates data-driven insights to enable evidence-based decision making, as well as resulting in a 100% auto-generated 3D intelligent model of the highway. In this session, we'll take a drive through the REM digital workflow, the strategic benefits that it provides, and what we've learned from deploying this approach to linear infrastructure design.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to select appropriate tools and technology to build design automation workflows for linear infrastructure.
- Learn how to use data-driven insights to enable evidence-based decision making.
- Learn about applying design automation to linear infrastructure projects using advanced computational design technologies.
- Learn about how to drive sector-wide digital transformation through design automation.
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