AU Class
AU Class
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Viewing Data form Different Sources in the HoloLens

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    Virtual, Augmented and Mixed really are extremely promising technologies, but their adoption is limited by the availability of content on these platforms.

    In this class, we will bring data from different sources (Revit, Fusion, Sketchup, etc.) into the Hololens to be viewed.

    Content coming from CAD applications is usually too heavy to be viewed on the Hololens. We will start with defining the key metrics to track for a smooth Hololens experience, set ourselves some specific targets for content and hardware limitations, explore different options, tools and workflows for optimizing content and setup some basic interactions in Stingray (3ds Max Interactive).

    Because of the limited availability of the Hololens, this will be an Instructional demo, but we invite you to bring your own Hololens to follow along.

    Key Learnings

    • Learn how to view content from different sources in the HoloLens
    • Learn how to identify hardware limitations and performance targets
    • Learn how to use different tools to reach the performance targets
    • Learn how to add basic interactions and input with the HoloLens